Franchise Agreements in Florida
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What is a Franchise Agreement?
A franchise agreement is a legally binding contract between a franchisor and franchisee. In the United States franchise agreements are enforced at the State level.
Prior to a franchisee signing a contract, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission regulates information disclosures under the authority of The Franchise Rule.
Florida Franchises
The Florida Franchise Act (“the act”), F.S.§817.416, provides a private right of act to a civil litigant when a person, as defined by the act, in selling or establishing a franchise or distributorship misrepresents:
- The prospects or chances of success of a proposed or existing franchise or distributorship;
- The known required total investment for such franchise or distributorship; or
- Efforts to sell or establish more franchises or distributorships than is reasonable to expect the market or market area for the particular franchise or distributorship to sustain. F.S. §817.416(2)(a)(1-3).
Does all this sound a bit daunting?
Don’t worry. Our South Florida franchise attorneys serve clients in Palm Beach County, Broward County, Miami Dade County, and throughout Florida.
We can help.
If you need assistance with buying or selling a franchise in Florida or simply have questions about franchise laws in Florida please contact us. Our Florida franchise lawyers can help guide you through the process.
We want to hear your story and share ours.
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